EU Strategic Finance Manager

The financial manager is responsible for defining the general objectives of the company: he assesses its financial needs, examines its balance sheets, trends, securities, profitability and structure. It financially clarifies the company’s development choices and the strategy and tools needed to support them.

The financial manager plays an important strategic role in the financial balance of the company. It performs a number of very delicate functions:

▪Take care, in the first place, of relations with the company’s banking and financial system
▪Participates in the definition of the business financial plan, assessing the size and characteristics of the cash flows related to the different organizational units of the enterprise
▪Defines the financial commitments, in terms of amount and time, necessary to cover the needs related to the company’s operational decisions, and their coverage
▪Provides for the distribution of the necessary liquidity between the different business units, in order to limit external recourse
▪Ensures the optimal use of the liquidity that is generated by business operations
▪Takes care of the management of any collaborators entrusted to his office

The level of responsibility of this figure is extremely high: He is in daily contact with the top management of the company, with the administrative manager, with the various company functions, as well as with any collaborators entrusted to him. He is also generally in contact with banks and financial companies.

In addition, you must possess knowledge:

▪Of the balance sheet and financial developments, securities, state of health, profitability and structure of the company in which you are included
▪Financial markets, opportunities and how they can access credit, the possibilities and risks associated with the different types of financial transactions
▪Regulations governing financial activities

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